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Dosorama HS

Dosorama HS

200+ recipes per hour, ±0.005cc/0.01cc

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The DOSORAMA HS® machine is unique in its kind and carries out the automatic and simultaneous dispensing of all components in a laboratory dye recipe.

The simultaneous dispensing of all components of one formula allows the machine high levels of productivity: 10 times higher than the maximum productivity of the actual dispensing machines available on the market, which instead usually dispense one product at a time.

DOSORAMA HS® can perform more than 200 complete recipes in one hour of work against the 25-30 recipes of the same type, which are available from the best competitive machines.

The newest and original dispensing system “Multijet High Speed Technology” patented, designed and built by Tecnorama allows DOSORAMA HS® exceptional working performances, never reached before by other machines, while maintaining a high degree of accuracy in the dispensing of the individual component (±0,005cc - 0,01cc).

The rapid dispensing execution of the recipes has as a consequence the preparation "Just in Time" of the dye-baths. In this way there are no delays or waits at the start of dyeing tests, with resulting full use of all machineries available, with the possibility to maintain the working programs within the established times. This requires a lower use of labour and means simpler laboratory organisation, with undeniable positive effects either at both economic and quality levels.

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