More research, less time.
New procedures for panel data exploration:
- Explore overall, within-group, and between-group summary statistics with pdSummary.
- Quickly view panel data time distributions with pdSize and pdTimeSpans.
The new waldTest procedure provides a powerful and intuitive tool for testing linear hypotheses after estimation.
- Easily test model parameters using variable names to specify linear hypotheses.
- Clear printouts of null hypotheses, test statistics, and p-values for quick and easy interpretation of results.
Check for the equivalency of slopes across quantiles after Quantile Regression with the new qfitSlopeTest procedure.
GAUSS 25 now offers expanded model diagnostics and consistent printouts across all estimation procedures.
These enhancements make it easier than ever to compare models, explore results, and gain deeper insights with confidence.
- Expanded two-way tabulation using tabulate to find row or column percentages.
- The gmmFitIV function now uses metadata from dataframes to identify and report variable names.
- The gmmFitIV function now supports estimation by levels of categorical variables with new support for the "by" keyword.
- The plotFreq procedure now supports the "by" keyword for counting frequencies across groups.
- Significant speed improvements when using counts with new optional specification of pre-sorted data.
Discover how you can get more done with GAUSS 25.