- ■Access millions of global economic and financial data series with FRED and DBnomics integration.
- ■Import data from any online source.
- ■Aggregate, filter, sort, and transform FRED data series during import.
- ■Search FRED series from GAUSS.
■Smart data type detection figures out the variable type so you don't have to specify it manually.
■Automatically detects nearly 40 popular date formats.
■Automatic header and delimiter detection simplifies text file data loading.
- ■No new code to learn, just use the .gdat file extension with loadd and saved to load and store your dataframes.
- ■The new .gdat data file preserves data attributes, which means you'll never lose important data information again.
- ■New kernel estimated variance-covariance matrix.
- ■Up to 4x speed improvement.
- ■Expanded model diagnostics including pseudo-R-squared, coefficient t-statistics and p-values, and degrees of freedom.
- ■New procedure for computing Newey-West HAC robust standard errors.
- ■All robust covariance procedures now include the option to turn off small sample corrections.
- ■Expanded dataframe and formula string compatibility.
- ■Estimate unknown probability density functions using 13 available kernels.
- ■Use automatic bandwidth computation or supply custom bandwidths.
- ■Automatic kernel density plots with easy-to-use options for customization.
- ■Locate data falling within a range with the between function.
- ■New where function provides a convenient and intuitive way to combine or modify data.
- ■Explore sample symmetry and tails with skewness and kurtosis functions.
- ■Test for normality using the new JarqueBera function.
- ■Shift matrix columns and speed up data lags with the shiftc function.